  • VIR­TUS 200 is desi­gned for in-line operation
  • appli­ca­tors for the most dif­fe­rent pro­duct types and moun­ting positions
  • Easy inte­gra­ti­on into pro­duc­tion lines
  • Prin­ting and label­ling at high speed
  • Rib­bon opti­miza­ti­on to redu­ce the cost of consumables
  • print head with a reso­lu­ti­on of 8 and 12 dots/mm
  • available in right or left-hand versions
  • High relia­bi­li­ty
  • 600 m ther­mal trans­fer ribbon
  • Stan­dard access­ories for cable set 2.5 meters bet­ween the sys­tem and the con­trol unit
  • Optio­nal: Cable set 4.5 meters
  • CE Appr­oval

The Prin­ter

The ther­mo- and ther­mo trans­fer prin­ter is a hea­vy duty prin­ter sui­ta­ble for long run­ning times and lar­ge pro­duc­tion bat­ches. It is fast and the high prin­ting speed of up to 300 mm per second means that it can be used in pro­duc­tion lines with extre­me­ly fast pro­duc­tion cycles. The high reso­lu­ti­on of 8 or 12 dots per mm gua­ran­tees high­ly accu­ra­te prin­ting quality.

As the prin­ter can be moun­ted on the left or right side, the­re is always an opti­mum solu­ti­on to ensu­re the most effi­ci­ent run­ning of the sys­tem to meet your indi­vi­du­al ope­ra­ting needs.

The Appli­ca­tors

The­re is a lar­ge num­ber of stan­dard appli­ca­tors available and we can also sup­p­ly pro­ducts tail­or-made to cus­to­mers‘ spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons. The appli­ca­tor takes the prin­ted label from the prin­ter and trans­fers it to the pro­duct, during this time the label remains atta­ched to the dis­pen­sing pla­te by a vacu­um. The label is then appli­ed using stan­dard pres­su­re, pres­su­re and air, wiping, or through an air only pro­cess. We have the appro­pria­te modu­le for side, front or cor­ner labeling.

The Soft­ware

By taking advan­ta­ge of the user fri­end­ly label prin­ting pro­gram you can opti­mi­ze the who­le run­ning of the sys­tem. It is con­fi­gu­ra­ted to run on the win­dows plat­forms and this makes the ente­ring of label data easy. Texts, gra­phics, bar codes and extra fields can be easi­ly ente­red wit­hout any fuss. Sophisti­ca­ted and func­tion­al labels can be desi­gned using eit­her true type fonts or with fonts available in the printer.

It can be con­nec­ted direct­ly to various data bases or via OBDC.
The inte­gra­ted SAP func­tion­a­li­ty means that a file can be gene­ra­ted at the touch of a but­ton, which can then be uploa­ded in an SAP type form.

virtus 200 skizze

The Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on

The VIR­TUS 200 can be ope­ra­ted using all types of EDP / SPS.It is equip­ped with all stan­dard interfaces(Ethernet, USB, seri­al, parallel).The stan­dard CF — dri­ve means that it can also be ope­ra­ted wit­hout an EDP connection.Furthermore the­re are stan­dard signals(input and out­put) to ensu­re an opti­mum inte­gra­ti­on into your system.